The Hostess

Recipes, etiquette tips, party log.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Nature's Glory

After my third hysterectomy (the first two didn't "take"), I had a lot of time on my hands. You see, I was living with my neighbor Miss Massengill, and she wouldn't let me touch her stove, lest I burn her house down too!
And yet, I wanted tea.
Thank the good Lord for nature's glory. One morning, I accidentally dropped tea bags into the washtub. (I only had one pair of underpants and they needed to soak for a few days) And four hours later, I had tea! Now, Miss Massengill won't keep sugar in the house. (Her doctor, the famous Miami Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Gill Cheek, won't allow it. She is also unable to eat gluten.) So I sweetened the tea with nature's candy -- apple juice!

Sun Tea
3-5 bags Lipton Red Zinger tea
Apple juice to taste
Put the bags inside a clear glass jug and allow it to bask shamelessly in the sun for several hours. Sweeten with apple juice. Refrigerate.


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